Astronomy 126: The Interstellar Medium
Prof. David Cohen
Fall 2019
Wednesday 1:15 to 4:15
Science Center 113

AnnouncementsThe first seminar meeting is Wednesday, September 4, at 1:15. We will review important and basic physics and astronomy relevant to the interstellar medium. There will be only a modest amount of preparation required. Class InformationThere is no one required textbook for students to purchase. Instead, we'll use parts of several textbooks and also research papers, review articles, and some online-only visual resources. Several textbooks and conference proceedings will be on the reserve shelf behind the front desk in Cornell. But weekly readings will be made available to students as pdfs. We will primarily use our seminar's Moodle page to communicate and as a repository for our work, seminar information, and resources. Read the seminar guidelines [pdf]. |
Astronomy picture of the day
This page is maintained by David
cohen -at- astro -dot- swarthmore -dot- edu
Last modified: September 1, 2019