Astronomy 129: Cosmology
Prof. David Cohen
Fall 2014
Wednesday 1:15 to 4:15
SC 113 (seminar room)

This site dates from the last time Astro 129 was taught
Announcementsposted 12/6 We'll have our last seminar meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 10. See the assignment below – we'll be going over two of the problems from last week, and having student presentations on the new material, from Ch. 12, on large scale structure.
Assignmentsposted 12/6 We'll be reading Ch. 12, on large scale structure, this week. But we will not be doing any of the problems in the chapter (at least, not ahead of time). Rather, each student will present the material from each of the five sections of the chapter. And two other students will present solutions to problems 1 and 3 from last week. Please get in touch with me to volunteer for a section to present. Also take a look at this array of papers on large scale structure. I may have you read one for seminar, in addition to the textbook reading.
Class InformationWe will primarily be using Barbara Ryden's An Introduction to Cosmology in our seminar, though we will supplement it with a few articles and other readings. The syllabus [pdf] contains guidelines for the seminar as well as a schedule of topics (updated 9/28) Check the snack schedule to see when you are bringing the seminar snack.
Useful ResourcesSean Carroll's cosmology primer Ned Wright's cosmology tutorial
This page is maintained by David Cohen
cohen -at-
Last modified: December 9, 2014