Past and future infrared surveys and space missions

IRAS, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched 1983:

The sky at a wavelength of 100 microns, as seen by IRAS:

[iras 100um]

The Milky Way, viewed by COBE:

[milkyway cobe big]

The galactic plane at optical, near-IR, and far-IR wavelengths: [opt gal]

[nir gal]

[fir gal]

SOFIA, a 2.5-m IR telescope in a plane (now on hold due to cuts in NASA's science budget):


Atmospheric transmission from the ground compared to that from a plane:

[ir atmos trans]

The current sky coverage of 2MASS, the Two-Micron All-Sky Survey: complete!

[2mass coverage]

[2mass all-sky coverage

[M20 optical] [M20 infrared]

A 2MASS discovery: a new globular cluster near the galactic plane:

[new 2mass globular]

Spitzer Infrared Space Telescope (formerly known as SIRTF), launched August 2003:

[sirtf orbit]
[Spitzer space telescope]

[sirtf stats]

Next: recent infrared science results

Back: an infrared example: DQ Tau

Eric Jensen <>