pro opacity_read,wave,opacity ; v1 - 6jan09 - dhc - reads in cmfgen kappa model from Janos ; plots opacity vs. lamba for specified radius ; the above comment refers to (v1) on which ; this routine is based ; v1 - 7jan09 - dhc - reads in cmfgen opacity model and passes wavelength ; and opacity arrays rstar=123.6 ;Rstar in units of 1e10 cm ; READING INPUT FILE ;openr,unit,'opacity.dat',/get_lun ; OPACITY MODEL SENT BY JANOS DEC 2008 ;openr,unit,'opacities/CONT_OPAC.Mdot=3E-6',/get_lun ; OPACITY MODEL SENT BY JANOS FEB 2009 - incl. Mg and Si openr,unit,'opacities/CONT_OPAC.Mdot=1.7E-6.feb09',/get_lun print, 'USING OPACITY MODEL: opacities/CONT_OPAC.Mdot=1.7E-6.feb09' header='' num_rad=5L num_wave=5L ;read the first line, pull out the number of depth points readf,unit,num_rad,header print,num_rad print,header ;read the second line, pull out the number of frequency points readf,unit,num_wave,header print,num_wave print,header ; RADIUS GRID ;read the blank line readf,unit,header print,header ;read the title block of the radius grid readf,unit,header print,header ;read the 6 columns by 10 rows block of radii -- this 6x10 will change if num_rad changes ;but this code won't automatically account for that now radii=fltarr(60) data=fltarr(6,10) readf,unit,data print,data for i = 0,9 do begin for j = 0,5 do begin radii[i*6+j] = data[5-j,9-i] endfor endfor print,' ' print,'radii array 0 through 59' print,radii/rstar ; VELOCITY GRID - USING SAME TECHNIQUE AS FOR RADIUS GRID ;read the blank line readf,unit,header print,header ;read the title block of the velocity grid readf,unit,header print,header ;read the 6 columns by 10 rows block of velocities -- this 6x10 will change if num_rad changes ;but this code won't automatically account for that now velocities=fltarr(60) data=fltarr(6,10) readf,unit,data print,data for i = 0,9 do begin for j = 0,5 do begin velocities[i*6+j] = data[5-j,9-i] endfor endfor print,' ' print,'velocities array 0 through 59' print,velocities ; DENSITY GRID - USING SAME TECHNIQUE AS FOR RADIUS GRID ;read the blank line readf,unit,header print,header ;read the title block of the density grid readf,unit,header print,header ;read the 6 columns by 10 rows block of densities -- this 6x10 will change if num_rad changes ;but this code won't automatically account for that now densities=fltarr(60) data=fltarr(6,10) readf,unit,data print,data for i = 0,9 do begin for j = 0,5 do begin densities[i*6+j] = data[5-j,9-i] endfor endfor print,' ' print,'densities array 0 through 59' print,densities ; CLUMPING FACTOR GRID - USING SAME TECHNIQUE AS FOR RADIUS GRID ;read the blank line readf,unit,header print,header ;read the title block of the clumping factor grid readf,unit,header print,header ;read the 6 columns by 10 rows block of clumping factors -- this 6x10 will change if num_rad changes ;but this code won't automatically account for that now clumpfac=fltarr(60) data=fltarr(6,10) readf,unit,data print,data for i = 0,9 do begin for j = 0,5 do begin clumpfac[i*6+j] = data[5-j,9-i] endfor endfor print,' ' print,'clumping factors array 0 through 59' print,clumpfac ; PLOTTING CLUMPING FACTOR VS. RADIUS ;window ;!p.font=0 ;plot,radii/rstar,clumpfac,xrange=[1.,10.] ; NOTE: F_C = 0.15 PRETTY MUCH EVERYWHERE, EXCEPT RIGHT AT THE BASE ; READING IN THE 10,000 FREQUENCY BLOCKS OF 60 OPACITY VALUES ; first, handle the blank line and header of the kappa table ;read the blank line readf,unit,header print,header ;read the title block of the entire kappa table readf,unit,header print,header ; NOW, BELOW HERE, IS THE FIRST BLOCK OF ACTUAL OPACITY DATA ; ok, CHECKS OUT ; NEXT, LOOP OVER THE FIRST THREE BLOCKS ; ok, CHECKS OUT ; NEXT, LOOP OVER ALL NUM_WAVE BLOCKS print,'num_wave= ',num_wave wave=fltarr(num_wave) opacities=fltarr(num_wave,num_rad) ; ACTUALLY, FIRST PRINT OUT THE NUM_RAD RADII IN TERMS OF RSTAR ; IN A COLUMN for kk = 0,num_rad-1 do begin print,kk,radii[kk]/rstar endfor ; NOW, THE USER CAN CHOOSE WHICH RADIUS TO PICK plot_index=2L print,'which radial index do you want to choose the opacity for?' read,plot_index print,plot_index for k = 0,num_wave-1 do begin ;read the blank line readf,unit,header ;read the wavelength of the ith block of the kappa table readf,unit,wavetmp wave[k]=wavetmp ;read the 6 columns by 10 rows block of densities -- this 6x10 will change if num_rad changes ;but this code won't automatically account for that now data=fltarr(6,10) readf,unit,data for i = 0,9 do begin for j = 0,5 do begin opacities[k,i*6+j] = data[5-j,9-i] endfor endfor endfor ; CLOSING FILE free_lun,unit ; NOW, PRINT OUT THE USER-SPECIFIED INDEX AND RADIUS, VELOCITY, DENSITY, F_C print,'you have specified a plot for index: ',plot_index print,'at radius = ',radii[plot_index]/rstar print,'where the values of velocity, density, clumping factor are:' print,velocities[plot_index],densities[plot_index],clumpfac[plot_index] print,' ' ; AND SPOT CHECK A FEW OF THE OPACITIES ;print,'the opacities at this radius, for a few specific wavelengths are:' ;print,'wave[0],opacities[0,plot_index]' ;print,wave[0],opacities[0,plot_index] ;print,'wave[9999],opacities[9999,plot_index]' ;print,wave[9999],opacities[9999,plot_index] ; AND PUT THE USER-SPECIFIED RADIAL SLICE OF THE 2-D OPACITIES ARRAY INTO A 1-D ARRAY opacity=fltarr(num_wave) opacity=opacities(*,plot_index) ;print,wave[0],opacity[0] ;print,wave[9999],opacity[9999] return end