Data Reduction and Analysis Project
(This document is available on-line, with hyperlinks, at
In this project, you will apply some of what you have learned in
this class about data reduction and analysis. You will also be
introduced to one of the most important jobs of the scientist:
communicating your results to others.
The data
The data with which you will work is a set of raw CCD images of M8,
the Lagoon Nebula. These data files were taken through a variety
of narrow- and intermediate-band filters. You will find the data
in a gzipped (compressed) tar file in /usr/data. You can unpack
the contents into the directory of your choice (it's easiest to make a
subdirectory of your iraf directory) and typing: tar -xvzf
/usr/data/m8.tar.gz . You may then browse the FITS files in
the usual way from within IRAF. You can determine the contents
of the files by looking at the FITS header. There is also a
photocopy of the original telescope observing log from that night
attached. The "filter" column of the log sheet gives both
the central wavelength of the filter used for that exposure and its
width (in Angstroms). The science
Your scientific goal is
to determine the nature of prominent dark lane in the middle of the
nebula. To do this, you will make a map of the relative
extinction at different points in the nebula. Does the dark lane
stand out? What does this tell you? The technique used to
determine the relative extinction at various points is to compare the
ratio of H
emission to H emission at
various points in the nebula. Departure from a canonical ratio
expected for certain nebular conditions indicates a difference in
extinction toward the emitting material. For more details, see
Chapter 7 from Osterbrock, Astrophysics of Gaseous Nebulae and
Active Galactic Nuclei.
To determine this ratio, you will have to do some additional data reduction
besides the standard CCD processing steps described in class. After
processing all of the CCD images in the standard way, you will want to
do the following things. Starting from the end result and working
backward, we need:
An image of the ratio of H
to H
. For this, we need:
Images of the H
and H
line emission alone that do not include continuum emission.
To make these, we need to:
Subtract the appropriate continuum emission image from each line emission
image. But in doing this, we need to be careful that the images are
scaled properly with respect to one another. So we must:
Do aperture photometry of several stars in each image. Plotting counts
(not magnitudes!) for the stars in the continuum image vs. counts for the
same stars in the line image should give a linear relation. Use this
linear transformation to scale one image to the other before subtracting.
The linear transformation takes care of both zero points offsets and overall
bandwidth or extinction differences between the two filters.
While reducing the data, please be conscious of how much disk space you
are using, and delete any files you no longer need. The unix command
"du" (think disk usage) will tell you how much space the
files in the current directory and its subdirectory are using. The
command "df" (think disk full) will tell you how much is
left on the disk. Look at the line for "/usr/data". I'll try
to keep an eye on the disk usage. (For starters, please delete any
old image files from the previous IRAF projects!)
The writeup
You will report your results in a scientific paper written in the
style of the Astrophysical
Journal or Astronomical
Journal (your choice). The paper must be formatted in the
proper style required for electronic submission to one of these
journals. While several electronic formats are available, the
recommended format is LaTeX (using AASTeX
macros) with Postscript figures. An author's
guide for using AASTeX is available. If you want to get an
idea of how this works, many examples of astronomical papers written
using these macros are available, for example by browsing the astro-ph preprint
archive. (Search the archive
index for "aastex".)
The paper should give a brief introduction to the problem being
addressed, a discussion of the data reduction methods, and
presentation of the results. It should have both an abstract and
a conclusion that summarize the main findings. Again, look to
published journal articles for guidance.
To submit the paper electronically, follow the guidelines given at
the journal web sites, but use the ftp server
instead. Log in as "anonymous" and leave your paper in the
"incoming/ast598" directory. As with the actual journal ftp
servers, you will be able to place a file in this directory, but will
not be able to see its contents. This protects your fine
scientific work from the prying eyes of your competitors!
The paper is due by 5:00 PM on Friday, May 8. If you wish to
submit a draft earlier, I will gladly read it and give you comments
within three days. Your grade for the project will be based on
the version in my possession on the due date. (The syllabus
states that you will be required to turn in two separate drafts.
Because of the short time left in the semester, I am no longer
requiring this. However, I strongly encourage you to give
an earlier draft to me so I can give you comments on it. This
will help your grade, and more importantly, more closely mimics the
actual write-review-rewrite process of working on an actual journal