Only 1 target matches your constraints (on name, V mag, depth, etc.). Searching for observable transits over 4.0 days...

Upcoming events for the next 2 days and the past 2 days from today; start/end given in timezone MST7MDT.

Night starts/ends at nautical twilight.

Results shown for Other Site latitude = 37.7378, longitude = -113.6975.

Colored text indicates a part of the transit that is during daylight, or a transit at elevation less than the user-specified limits, or that the Moon is relatively full and close to the target.

Click on column headers to sort the table by that column. Click again to reverse the sorting order. To sub-sort, first click one column (e.g. the left-hand one to sort by night), then shift-click another column to sort further within the first category. For example, to sort by priority within a given night (when multiple nights are displayed), first click the "Local evening date" header, then shift-click the "Priority" header. The highlighted column shows the current sorting.

The buttons can be used to toggle the visibility of columns, and the column order can be rearranged by clicking and dragging the column header.

Local evening date Name V or Gaia mag Start—
Duration BJDTDB start-mid-end Elev. at start, mid, end ±1.0 hrs % of transit (baseline) observable,
Suggested obs. start, end
Az. at start, mid, end ±1.0 hrs HA at start, mid, end ±1.0 hrs RA & Dec (J2000) Period (days) Depth (ppt) Comments
Wed. 2024-06-19

Nautical twilight
22:10 – 05:02 (MST7MDT)

 TOI-1853 b
Finding charts: Annotated, Aladin, SkyMap;
Airmass plot, ACP plan
Info: Exoplanet Archive, Simbad, Gaia, TIC

Moon 96% @53°
20:51      21:51
23:02      00:02 ±0:02
1:11 10481.6632
66°    69°
  63°     54°

73% (50%)
146°    183°, 
224°    244°
-0.9    +0.1,  
  +1.3    +2.3

1.24 1.8

Script took 1 second for 1 events.