5/13/02 This directory contains the run with eta_*=1, B_pole=295G, gamma=5/3. I initialzed it with the final state from the isothermal run with the same parameters. T_eff=45000 K, a_iso=26 km/s was assumed. animations: 1. adiab-295g-xray.avi- Xray emission related to density square w/ xray=log (\rho^2 10^{-5e6/T}. Relative values are important. 2.adiab-295g-speed.avi- Speed of the wind flow w/ speed=\sqrt{v_\theta^2+ v_r^2} 3.adiab-295g-pbvpram.avi- the ratio between magnetic over ram pressure w/ pbvpram= P_B/P_ram= (B^2/8\pi)/(\rho speed^2) 4.adiab-295g-pthvpram.avi- Thermal pressure over ram pressure, pthvpram=P_thermal/P_ram= (\rho kT/\mu)/(\rho speed^2) where \mu= mean atomic weight = 0.6 m_H. 5.adiab-295g-pbvptot.avi Magnetic pressure over total gas pressure, eta= P_B/(P_ram+P_thermal) 6.adiab-295g-rho.avi log of density , d=log(\rho) 7.adiab-295g-mach.avi Local mach number, mach=flow speed/sound speed= speed/(1.17e7*\sqrt(T/1e6)). [I remember that for the sun 1e6 K corresponds to the sound speed of 117 km/s ) 8.adiab-295g-T.avi T=log(Temperature) Very high T material is essentially vacuum. 9.adiab-295g-benergy.avi Just for fun I plotted magnetic energy density over its initial value, binit= B(t)^2/B(t=0)^2 10.adiab-295g-massflux.avi Mass flux vectors defined as, {mx}={vx}*\rho {my}={vy}*\rho difficult to see, so I plotted also w/ uniform mass flux vectors that gives a sense of which direction the flow is moving. 11.adiab-295g-pth.avi pth=log(P_thermal) 12.adiab-295g-gline.avi Radial line force. Forgot to compute gline for the initial condition. I wonder why it was not carried over from the restart file, need to check ZEUS for this. This should not affect the computation since gline is called at every iteration. 13. dib-295g-glcon.vi In order to have a quantity that is fairly constan, we plot glcon=\rho v * r^4 gline. The rationale is: gline ~ GM/r^2 and \rho * v ~ 1/r^2. I should have used v=v_radial but I used v=speed, which is good to the first approximation.