Clumping in Hot-Star Winds

Potsdam, Germany: 18-22 June 2007

Friday afternoon outing

Berliner Mauer sundial
outing group outing group Rich walk
Setting out to walk around Babelsberg, led by Achim.
Truman House Truman House Annex Hiroshima Platz
We approach the back of the Truman House, where Harry Truman received the news that the first atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima.
canal beer garden pass-by
This canal formed part of the boundary between East Germany and West Berlin. After we crossed over it, we passed by a very inviting beer garden. But we kept on walking...
outing group 3 outing church low wall
outing house Stan wall
Achim led us into a nice neighborhood, where the old Berlin Wall had been this modest, brick thing.
beer garden arrival
Finally - we arrive at our ultimate destination: the beer garden.
beer garden beer garden table beer garden river view
beer garden table beer garden schnitzel Rich and David
The beer garden was very peaceful; right on the water.
Rich on the spy bridge fireworks
Heading home from our outing. We walk back over the "spy bridge" and then see some impromptu fireworks while waiting for the tram.

travel | scientists | conference outing | Friday outing | family and friends