pro taustar_fit ; v1 - 5jan09 - dhc - makes scatter plot with error bars for 16 ; lines fit with non-porous wind profile model in zeta Pup ; ; 16 data points and *uneven* error bars are specified at the top of the file ; above comments are from, on which this program is built ; ; v1 - 7jan09 - dhc - fitting models to the ensemble taustar data ; first, fit a constant mode, calculate chisq ; next, read in the cmfgen opacity model (take code from ; and use it to generate a wavelength- ; dependent model of taustar; treating Mdot as a free parameter, ; we can scale this model to fit the ensemble taustar values ; ; PARAMETERS FOR TAUSTAR CALCULATION Mdot = 8.3e-6 vinf = 2250. Rstar = 18.6 mdot_msunyr = mdot Mdot = Mdot*1.99e33/3.15e7 vinf = vinf*1.e5 Rstar = 18.6*6.96e10 print, Mdot, vinf, Rstar ; AXIS RANGES y_low = 0.0 ;y_upp = 4.7 y_upp = 6. x_low = 4.5 x_upp = 23. ; READING INPUT FILE WITH TRANSREAD wave=0.0d tau=0.0d tau_err_down=0.0d tau_err_up=0.0d Ro=0.0d Ro_err_down=0.0d Ro_err_up=0.0d transread,unit,wave,tau,tau_err_down,tau_err_up,$ Ro,Ro_err_down,Ro_err_up,count=count,$ filename='tau_Ro.dat',skiplines=2 ;print,unit ;print,count ;print,wave,tau ; FITTING A CONSTANT TAUSTAR MODEL TO THESE 16 DATA POINTS ; USING EITHER THE UPPER OR LOWER ERROR BARS, DEPENDING ON WHETHER ; A POINT LIES ABOVE OR BELOW THE MODEL ; model = fltarr(16) chisq_best = 1.e10 for i = 0,200 do begin chisq = 0. for j = 0,15 do begin model[j] = 0.0 + i/50. if (model[j] LT tau[j]) then begin chisq = chisq + (model[j]-tau[j])^2/(tau_err_down[j])^2 endif else begin chisq = chisq + (model[j]-tau[j])^2/(tau_err_up[j])^2 endelse endfor ;print,model[0],chisq if (chisq LT chisq_best) then begin chisq_best = chisq best_tau = model[0] endif endfor print,' ' print,'chisq_best = ',chisq_best print,'best_tau = ',best_tau ; READING IN OPACITY MODEL (CMFGEN) opacity_read,wave_cmfgen,opacity_cmfgen ;print, 'cmfgen first entries =',wave_cmfgen[0],opacity_cmfgen[0] ; SETTING TAUSTAR BASED ON ASSUMED MDOT taustar_model = opacity_cmfgen*mdot/4./!pi/vinf/Rstar ;print, 'wave_cmfgen,opacity_cmfgen,taustar_model',wave_cmfgen[9100],$ ; opacity_cmfgen[9100],taustar_model[9100] ; note: wavelength grid for cmfgen model is quite non-linear ; TESTING VALUES OF MDOT TO FIND THE BEST-FIT TAUSTAR MODEL taustar_test = fltarr(10000) model_mdot = fltarr(51) chisq_best_mdot = 1.e10 for i = 0,50 do begin ; from 3.5e-6 to 4.5e-6 mdot_fac = (1./8.3)*(3.5 + i/50.) ;print, 'i, mdot_fac = ',i,mdot_fac,mdot_fac*mdot_msunyr model_mdot[i] = mdot_fac*mdot_msunyr ; note: as long as the input mdot at the top is 8.3e-6, this tests mdot_-6 values of 1. to 5. ; for j = 0,9999 do begin ; taustar_test[j] = mdot_fac*taustar_model[j] ; endfor taustar_test = mdot_fac*taustar_model ; note: we've got to find the 16 values in model that correspond to the wavelengths where we've ; got taustar values from the data ; interpolate on wave_cmfgen,taustar_test taustar_points = interpol(taustar_test,wave_cmfgen,wave) ;print, tau,taustar_points ; calculate chisq chisq = 0. for k = 0,15 do begin if (taustar_points[k] LT tau[k]) then begin chisq = chisq + (taustar_points[k] - tau[k])^2 $ /(tau_err_down[k])^2 endif else begin chisq = chisq + (taustar_points[k] - tau[k])^2 $ /(tau_err_up[k])^2 endelse endfor print,'mdot, chisq = ',model_mdot[i],chisq if (chisq LT chisq_best_mdot) then begin chisq_best_mdot = chisq best_mdot = model_mdot[i] best_i = i endif endfor print, ' ' print, 'chisq_best_mdot = ', chisq_best_mdot print, 'best_mdot, ratio to mdot = ',best_mdot,best_mdot/mdot_msunyr print, 'best_i = ',best_i xtit = 'Wavelength ('+STRING("305B)+')' ytit = '!9t!7!d*!n' ; PLOTTING (TO IDL SCREEN WINDOW) for i=1,2 do begin if (i EQ 1) then begin window !p.font=0 endif else begin psopen,'taustar_fit' !p.font=0 device,/times endelse psym_circ plot,wave,tau,ps=8,thick=4,xr=[x_low,x_upp],yr=[y_low,y_upp],xstyle=1,ystyle=1,$ ytit=ytit,xtit=xtit,chars=1.8,xthick=2,ythick=2,symsize=1.35 errplot,wave,tau-tau_err_down,tau+tau_err_up,thick=2 oplot,[0.,100.],[best_tau,best_tau],linestyle=3,thick=2 oplot,wave_cmfgen,taustar_model,linestyle=2,thick=2 oplot,wave_cmfgen,taustar_model*best_mdot/mdot_msunyr,linestyle=0,thick=2 endfor if (i EQ 1) then begin ;print, i endif else begin psclose endelse end