pro medplot_v9 ; dhc - 11jun14 - based on ; hdr cmts: from bigplot_v9 ; dhc - 8jun14 - based on in, for example, ; xspec/2014/t1oric/ ; ; reads in one four-column ascii file: ; col 1 = wavelength ; col 2 = bin half-width ; col 3 = data ; col 4 = uncertainty ; ; this version of the code reads in ONE file, assuming no header ; - see skiplines in transread call ; ; AXIS RANGES xrdata=[6.01,9.49] yrdata=[0.0,0.14] ; INPUT FILE NAME fname = 'zpup_meg+1_group20cts.dat' ; observation-specific exposure time exptime=67636. ; for zeta pup ; exposure time not currently in use ; list of lab wavelengths of lines - user can edit lines=[5.0387,5.0648,5.1015,6.1821,6.6479,6.685,6.7403,7.85,8.421,9.1688,9.2308,9.3143,9.7082,10.239,11.544,12.1339,15.014,16.780,17.051,17.096,18.9689,20.9099,21.602,21.804,22.098] num_lines=n_elements(lines) print, 'number of lines =',num_lines print, 'wavelengths =',lines ; SWITCH FOR DRAWING THREE VERTICAL LINES ivert=0 ; terminal velocity in km/s, used only when drawing two extreme ; velocity vertical lines around each marked line vinf=2250. c=3.e5 ; ; READ IN THE FIRST FILE AND POPULATE ARRAYS wave1=0.0d width1=0.0d data1=0.0d error1=0.0d transread,unit,wave1,width1,data1,error1,count=count,filename=fname ; this block of code and the variable naming convention allow for ; intuitive extension in a version that coadds two or more spectra wave=wave1 width = width1 data = data1 error = error1 ; data and error (and eventual model) are in counts/s/A (it is ; assumed) ; note that native bin width is 2.5 mA for HEG and 5 mA for MEG ; the program can just as easily accept (unevenly) grouped data ; MAKE THE PLOT ; code to automatically choose x and y axis ranged ; turned off/commented out currently ;xrdata=[min(wave),max(wave)] ;yrdata=[0.,(max(data)+max(error))] xtit = 'Wavelength ('+STRING("305B)+')' ytit = 'Count Rate (cnt s!u-1!n '+string("305B)+'!u-1!n)' ; loop through screen plotting and ps-file writing for i=1,2 do begin if (i eq 1) then begin window ; setting up colors for .ps using coyote graphics blue = cgColor("blue") red = cgColor("red") green = cgColor("green") endif else begin psopen,ps,/color ; setting up colors for .ps blue = cgColor("blue") red = cgColor("red") green = cgColor("green") !p.font=0 device,/times device,/inches,xsize=10.0,ysize=7.5 endelse plot,wave,data,ps=10,thick=4,xr=xrdata,yr=yrdata,xstyle=1,ystyle=1,ytit=ytit,chars=2.5,xtit=xtit,xtickinterval=0.5,ytickinterval=0.05 ; plot error bars oploterr,wave,data,error,10 ; plot model ;oplot,wave,model,ps=10,linestyle=1,thick=4,color=red ; PLOTTING VERTICAL LINES AT LINE CENTER AND AT THE TWO EDGES if ivert EQ 1 then begin for j=0,num_lines-1 do begin lam_o=lines(j) x_center=[lam_o,lam_o] y_center=[0.,1.] lam_left=lam_o*(1.-vinf/c) lam_right=lam_o*(1.+vinf/c) x_left=[lam_left,lam_left] y_left=y_center x_right=[lam_right,lam_right] y_right=y_center oplot,x_center,y_center,linestyle=2,thick=0.75 ; next two lines should be uncommented if you want flanking v_inf ; lines too ; oplot,x_left,y_left,linestyle=1,thick=0.5 ; oplot,x_right,y_right,linestyle=1,thick=0.5 endfor endif endfor if (i EQ 1) then begin print, i endif else begin psclose endelse end