It appears that I am unable to run 90% confidence step (=4.61) with IDL and draw contours. I get an error CONTOUR: Contour levels must be in increasing order. % Execution halted at: CONFIDENCE_WINDPROF_LARGE_SHOW3 798. [drawing surfaces appears OK..] However, plotting 68% (=2.71) seems fine although even in q vs. Tau_* plot, our range for q is too small... 1. For 2.71 run with q vs tau_*, I get: -0.680000 0.420000 -0.680000 0.420000 2. For 2.71 run with q vs. umax, I get: -0.680000 0.763333 -0.680000 0.763333 3. For 2.71 run with tau_* vs umax, I get: 0.420000 0.763333 0.420000 0.763333