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And just why would the police stop someone wearing an exercise weight vest of some forty pounds on the public street of an urban area. golly, that would be like you know, stopping a teenager on high school grounds carrying a gun case? Huh. When will this police harassment stop? When?

Now if the police had entered the gym to stop a person wearing an exercise weight vest while on the treadmill, ....
Apparently, this is progress for the Post. Now we can find out what men who were formerly women feel about how they are treated. Next, hopefully will be an article asking men who have always been men, how they feel about how they are treated. But, then I note the article bashing Jordan Peterson, so I guess one step forward, two steps back.
I just checked the front page for the site they appear to be running three stories about how white men feel they are being treated, not counting all the stories about white, male politicians complaining about how people misunderstand that fact that they're just trying to do their best to do God's work. Stories:
Great article. These are meaningful real life stories that deserve to be heard, so we can all understand better.
The fact it takes trans men accounts of being a man to even talk about male issues show how much contempt society has for men.
"The first act of violence that patriarchy demands of males is not violence toward women. Instead patriarch demands of all males that they engage in acts of psychic self-mutilation, that they kill of the emotional parts of themselves. If an individual is not successful in emotionally crippling himself, he can count on patriarchal men to enact rituals of power that will assault his self esteem."

-- bell hooks, noted feminist writer and social activist.
One of the most disappointing things to me about Sense8 the Wachovski Sisters series on Netflx was how they portrayed women. They had a very unique opportunity to share something they alone had experienced and still their story was about men with women in weak and supporting roles. Please don't tell me how you've felt like a woman all of your life then write a series that clearly says you have not and even now that you are a woman you don't understand what means to be one. And don't get me started on Bruce Jenner. I'm sorry for the Trans community that that person is many people's first experience with Trans people.
life has worked out well for these four, however, each is clearly intelligent and educated and so their success likely would have happened either way.  what about the regret held be a large number of trans people, mainly transwomen that found the grass was not greener, personal acceptance was the number 1 barrier and careers stagnated or disappeared.  I know two such people living such an existence.  this article was quite heart-warming about these four success stories; where is the article about regret, angst, depression and suicide?
This was a really interesting article.  I imagine the more people interviewed, the more varied the responses would be, and it would be enlightening to hear more.  I was struck by what Chris said about directness and asking directly for things.  The reality is that there are usually subtle repercussions when women are direct, either in expressing opinions or in asking for something.  I have found this to be true whether I am dealing with men or women.  Men's ideas are more readily accepted and carefully considered generally, and using directness can work against women when it comes to expressing ideas.  Ask any woman how many times she has expressed an idea, had it dismissed, and later accepted when it is presented either by a man or by a woman who carefully plays the game of dancing nicely around the subject first.
I think that this article brought up a lot of issues that men deal with that I wish were talked about more in society. While I'm glad that trans men got to share their experiences, I wish that the media would be just as willing talk about those same experiences that cis men face. There is a notion in society that men are privileged in every situation and can't possibly be disadvantaged in any way, which is clearly false to anyone willing to actually think about society at large.

There were four parts to this article that I especially identified with. First the fact that if a female student is showing inappropriate interest in a teacher, it is laughed off, and the fact that any lies the female student tells about him could get him fired. My father, a lawyer, has a female staff member in the room when interviewing children, which I doubt a female lawyer would worry about. Second, the fact that society deems it okay for women to make male bashing remarks (like the woman on the phone in the story) when any man would be harshly criticized for doing the same. Third, the way society acts like men who offer advice to their friend who is having a problem are somehow doing it worse than women who just offer sympathy (when the reverse is really true). Fourth, the way society is more forgiving of women who lash out, while saying that there is "no excuse" for male violence even if he has suffered trauma. 

We need to do better as a society on these issues. Women aren't the only ones who face gender issues.
In fact I would even argue that men's gender issues cause many of women's as well as the reverse.
I fear that most people will take the experiences of these 4 people and generalize it to the entire male/female population - which is probably a mistake.  4 people are not representative of any population, male, female, black, white, etc.  I will note the exception of the black person though since we already have plenty of accounts of police being more suspicious of black men.
Interesting... I wonder why Chris assumed his ability to assert himself in his career more effectively was because he was happier, not because his assertions were more acceptable. My experience does not show that to be true. All very interesting and thought provoking. Really thought Zander's experience of racial bias was important for all of us to realize, I have seen that in action among black friends of mine and it is tough to accept its prevalence. Zander's experience of being outside the camaraderie loop with other women not familiar with him was probably quite true (for both sexes). Funny how much we all judge and are judged and how it keeps us separated and probably more dysfunctional as a society.
Yes about Zander. That was very powerful and should be raised loudly.

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