Astronomy 1: Introductory Astronomy
Prof. David Cohen
Spring 2014
Tu., Th. 9:55 to 11:10
SC 128

Click on each image for more information about these objects.
This site is from the last time this course was taught
Astro 1 will be taught again in Fall 2014
Announcementsupdated May 7 Solutions to the final homework are now available on the Old Assignments page. I'll have all your graded homework available for you to pick up on Friday afternoon, when I have my office hours. I will post a comprehensive review sheet for the final exam later tonight. Look for it in the Assignments section, below. Update: OK, it's now posted, as of May 8. See below. updated May 5 Office hours are posted to the right. Tuesday and Friday this week, but email me if you've got questions anytime. Our final exam will be held on Saturday, May 10 at 2pm in room 101. Assignmentsupdated May 8 You might check out this comprehensive review sheet with all the important topics we covered in each class. It should be helpful to you as you study for the final. updated May 5 Study for the exam! Look over old homeworks (more to be handed back soon) – solutions to all old homeworks, through HW#10, are posted on the Old Assignments page. The solutions to HW #11 will be posted by Wednesday evening (an late homeworks will not be accepted after that point). Here is the equation sheet (updated on May 8) you'll be given along with the final exam. The exam will be closed book and generally similar to the midterms. It will cover all the material from the semester, but with a slightly larger weighting of material in the last three weeks, since the last midterm (so the Milky Way, galaxies in general, and the Hubble law). Upcoming EventsThere are telescope public viewings the second Tuesday of each month, at the Peter van de Kamp Observatory on the roof of the Science Center. The next one is on May 13, at 9 PM. Come on by, and bring a friend who isn't taking astronomy. The Moon and Jupiter will both be visible then, and Saturn may also be above the tree-line. |
Class InformationInformation about the class [pdf] Guidelines for the class [pdf] This syllabus will be updated periodically (new version posted Apr. 27). Linkswhat's up in the sky this week Stellarium software |
This page is maintained by David Cohen
cohen -at-
Last modified: May 10, 2014